The mission of Network Angels is to provide financial assistance to employees and independent contractors of a Sevita entity who are in need of support due to a personal crisis, including natural disasters, fires, injuries or illnesses, the death of an immediate family member, incidents of domestic violence or other qualifying events.
Please read our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for more information or contact Network Angels at [email protected].
Q. Who can apply for a Network Angels grant?
A. To be eligible for a grant, an applicant must be an employee or a contractor of a Sevita entity. Contractors much have worked at least 600 hours of contracted billable time in the past twelve months. If a team member of a Sevita entity has passed away, an immediate family member can apply for assistance.
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Q. Other than Mentors, what are some examples of contract positions that would make someone eligible for Network Angels?
A. Individuals in all contract positions that meet the above service requirement are eligible to apply. Those providing in-home supports and periodic services, such as occupational therapy and physical therapy, are just two examples.
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Q. Do I have to repay the grant? Will I have to pay taxes on it?
A. No, it is not a loan. A grant is a gift from Network Angels in your documented time of crisis. Similarly, the grant is tax-free because it is a charitable contribution and is not considered income.
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Q. Will my application be kept confidential?
A. Absolutely. Only members of the Grant Selection Committee and Philanthropy department staff will know your identity. Network Angels keeps its records secure.
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Q. What is a qualifying event?
A. A qualifying event is an unexpected event or situation you experience that creates a financial need in order to cover the cost of basic living or basic funeral expenses. IRS regulations require that a grant recipient have an approved and documented qualifying event in order for Network Angels to provide assistance.
For our purposes, a qualifying event would be fire, natural disasters causing the loss of your home without adequate insurance, incidents of domestic violence requiring the victim to relocate to a safe home, an accident that eliminates a source of income or results in unanticipated expenses not covered by insurance, or a serious illness or death of an immediate family member that places an unexpected financial burden on your household. If you have questions about your eligibility, please contact [email protected] or call 877-255-2003.
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Q. If I’ve had a qualifying event, what kind of help can I get from Network Angels?
A. Network Angels can provide assistance with basic living expenses and basic funeral costs.
Here are a few examples: Network Angels may provide assistance with temporary housing after a fire or natural disaster when it is not covered by insurance; basic home modifications—such as a wheelchair ramp—required because of an accident-related disability that is not covered by insurance; and rent or mortgage payments and essential utilities following a sudden or extended illness that prevents you from working. Network Angels can also assist with basic funeral expenses for immediate family members.
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Q. What types of needs are not covered by Network Angels? For example, what if my credit card debt has become overwhelming, and it’s preventing me from meeting other needs?
A. Network Angels does not cover credit card debt or personal loans of any kind. Medical bills, treatment costs, insurance premiums and co-pays are also not eligible for Network Angels funding. If medical costs (not part of your insurance deductible) are preventing you from paying rent, then Network Angels would consider helping you pay your rent. Other items not covered: appliances, airfare, down payments on new homes, nonessential utilities such as cable and cell phones, and nonessential funeral expenses such as limousines and flowers. In order to maintain the tax-free status of our grants, the Network Angels grant selection committee must strictly adhere to our approved qualifying expenses.
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Q. Is the application difficult to fill out? What type of information do I need to submit?
A. The application should take you about 10 minutes to fill out once you’ve gathered your information. All of the information we request is required by the IRS for us to receive before making a grant decision. We ask for basic financial information and verification related to the event, such as copies of past-due notices, insurance reports, physician statements and police and fire contacts. The goal is to understand your need.
You can download our application packet here. It includes a coversheet that details all of the information and documents we need, a one-page application form, and a one-page budget form.
In order to maintain the tax-free status of our grants, the Network Angels grant selection committee must strictly adhere to our stated guidelines, including the requirement of third-party documentation of qualifying events.
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Q. What if I am having a hard time gathering all the information Network Angels needs to consider my application?
A. The committee that reviews applications (Grant Selection Committee) will wait until it has a completed package of information before it begins consideration. You will not be disqualified for not having the information; the process will simply be stalled. Help us help you by sending in a completed package. Our goal is to notify applicants of funding decisions as quickly as possible.
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Q. How long does the process typically take?
A. Applications that are received with all of the required documentation can typically be reviewed within 2 business days (Monday – Friday). Applications are processed as they are received and our goal is to notify applicants of funding decisions as quickly as possible.
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Q. Do I need my supervisor to sign off on my application?
A. No, Network Angels is an independent nonprofit organization and does not require applicants to get sign off on their applications from supervisors. However, Network Angels does confidentially verify applicants’ employment status to ensure they are current employees or contractors of a Sevita entity.
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Q. How much will my grant be?
A. Grant amounts are determined individually and based on the documented lost income or added expenses. no grant amount exceeds lost income or added expenses. In 2022, grant totals averaged about $2500.
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Q. Will I receive the grant directly?
A. No. Grants will be paid to vendors only. For example, if you request funding to be used toward your rent, the grant will be paid directly to your landlord.
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Q. How often can I apply for a grant from Network Angels?
A. Network Angels has a policy that employees may only receive assistance once in an 18-month period and a maximum of three (3) times in a lifetime. If an employee has experienced two separate qualifying events within an 18-month period, they may request that Network Angels considers a second application for assistance. The Grant Selection Committee has the right to consider more than one grant to the same individual within an 18-month period at its discretion.
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Q. Where does the money given out by Network Angels come from?
A. Network Angels is a public charity and must raise a majority of our funds from the public, including employees and independent contractors. In any given year, the extent of the company’s contribution will depend on a number of factors, including employee and independent contractor participation. To ensure that the impact of that donation is maximized, Sevita provides in-kind support to manage and administer Network Angels.
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